5+ Tips On How To Choose A Pool Cue? Best Selection Guide

How To Choose A Pool Cue? Choosing the right pool cue can significantly enhance your game, elevating your accuracy and control. With various options available, understanding the key elements in selecting a cue tailored to your needs is essential.

Buying your first pool cue and feeling a little lost? Quit worrying, we have the perfect idea of how to choose a pool cue. Read before you regret it.

Choosing a new pool cue may seem hard at first, however, there are many ways to make sure that you’ve got the perfect ideal pool cue that suits you the best.

The first step is to know whether you are choosing between a one-piece, two-piece, or three-piece pool cue, however in pool terms, a three-piece cue would still only be two-pieces, the broken joint would be located at the butt end section, and in the middle where the joint would normally be located as well.

To find out which pool cue would perfectly be suited for you would be all narrowed down to which occasional usage you’re going to mostly be using it for, whether it’s for home/indoor usage or professional/travel usage. That’s the first thing you are going to want to take into consideration, what’s the main purpose of the usage of the pool cue stick that you are about to buy?

Choosing Between Pool Cue Types For A Perfect Pool Game

A one-Piece pool cue is a solid straight cue stick that does not come apart, some persons will prefer this type because it’s one solid cue without joints to bend, however, this type of pool cue is not recommended for travel purposes, it is also noted to be cheaper and would be more be convenient for home pool games, a potential downside factor to the one-piece pool cue is that it is more prone to warp over time.

A two-piece pool cue is more travel-friendly and would be easier to take around due to the fact that it can be broken down into two pieces, some joint is located in the middle of the cue and some are located at the butt end of the cue, and can be pulled apart whenever you choose to, these pool cues would normally come with its case to make travelling easier, however, it would most times cost more than a one-piece cue.

How to Choose a Pool Cue

The three-piece pool cues are mostly used by professional pool players of the game. The three-piece can be pulled apart in three different pieces, you will find the main joint in the middle of your cue stuck and the other at the butt end for extension.

All of the above pool cues are good pool cues that can be used very accurately on the pool table, it just that depending on the occasion of the pool stick usage at the end of the day. It wouldn’t look good to travel with one piece pool cue stick when playing pool outside the house.

It is going to honestly be a hassle in terms of finding space and all that, so you would just get one that can be broken down into two parts like for example the two-piece cues on the market. It’s way easier to carrier around and can be both used at home and on the road if you are a road person.

I personally have some one-pieces for my home games because, to be honest, the one-pieces are better to practice with and they are a lot stronger and not easily bent. It basically keeps your game in tip-top shape so I have them all the one-piece two-piece and three-piece. I wouldn’t recommend using one pool cue stick for all your games, meaning practices and competition it’s not good, and your cue will be worn out in no time or damaged.

What Length Pool Cue Would Be Perfect For A Pool Cue?

Another thing on how to choose a pool cue is to take into consideration your height, you’re going to need to choose a pool cue that is the right length for your height.

An average cue tends to be 57 inches for a one-piece cue or 58 inches for a two-piece pool cue, however, persons that are below the average height should opt for a 48-inch or 52-inch-cue, Players that are over the height of 6ft5 and upwards would have to order a special cue that is 61 inches tall.

The weight of the pool cue is another factor in choosing the right cue, the standard ounce for a pool cue would be 18-21 ounces, the weight of the cue will definitely affect your shot so it’s suitable that you choose a weight that’s manageable for you,  some players will switch between using a heavier cue to break and a lighter cue for skilled shots.

If you are a junior you can also get a pool cue that weighs less than 18 ounces, you can try out the 16 ounces for a more suitable fit. The pool cue ounces do not just start at 18 and finish at 21 ounces, they go below, and above that, it’s just the fact that the companies build those weights as standard weights that means you can easily get those weights in any brand pool cues.

Finding a length that you will be comfortable playing with will be no problem, the problem will be when you are in some tight spots at times and the cue is either too long or short to make the shot. This is the main reason why as professional pool players we need to have multiple cues in our case masters. In this spot now the three-piece pool cue sticks are just about perfect.

How To Choose A Pool Cue?

The main factor on how to choose a pool cue is to make sure the pool cue that you are choosing is perfectly straight that is the number one thing to make sure of.

How do I check to see if the pool cue is straight? Simply hold the but of the cue to your eye and point the tip toward the ground, to get a better vision of the stick you are going to close one eye and look straight down the entire pool stick with the other opened eye to see if the sticks look bend to any form of way, you can also slowly roll the cue while looking as well.

My personal recommended weight pool cue would be a 19ounce cue to start off with, most professional pool players tend to use the 19-ounce cue stick as well, it’s not too light nor too heavy in the hand. The standard available weights for most cues are 18-21 ounces, however, you can also get cues below 18oz as well.

Most of the weight of the pool cue is in the butt end because the butt end is thicker than the shaft, below average height persons tend to want a lighter cue because a heavier one will cause them to lower the butt and raise the cue’s tip during the play and a shot like that would not have connected as solidly as it should with the ball play.

Choosing between wraps?

Another tip on how to choose a pool cue is to make sure to choose a comfortable wrap that suits you, the wrap is the butt thick part of the pool cue that you hold with your striking hand, it is the part of the pool cue that you will have the most skin contact with, its always good to choose one that is suitably gripped in your hand and is comfortable as well.

They are two types of main wraps, leather, and linen however some cues may have none of the above. So choosing the perfect wrap for you would narrow down to if you have sweaty palms or not, a recommended wrap for sweaty palms person would be Irish linen which would not be affected by sweaty hands persons.,

The leather will give a tighter and more hands-on grip with the cue stick but it also causes moister to the hand, making your hand becoming sweaty. Nonetheless, good leather wrapping will give the perfect grip control on a pool cue stick especially if it’s quality leather material.

The cues with no wraps are exceptionally great as well and most of the time they are even more expensive because they are pure natural high-graded materials used to g=craft them. The cues that have no wraps normally last longer and they do give a better feeling and true ball connection touch.

Making sure the cue is straight?

Another tip on how to choose a pool cue is that you should check your pool cue stick on arrival to test the pool cue to make sure that it does not have any bent or damage to it, you can easily test that by holding the butt/wrap of the cue at eye level and stare straight down to the tip, then slowly spinning the cue to see around the whole surface, make sure to be aware of any fault or abnormalities the pool cue may have, you should only buy a cue that is perfectly straight.

Most pool cues are made by the manufacturer and will most often be straight but it’s always good to check your cue, there is a slight chance of receiving the cue stick damaged from the manufacturer. Playing with a cue that’s not 100% straight will defiantly throw off every shot you make by 68%, so it’s very important to make sure that the cue you using is straight.

Choosing the right tip?

Another tip on how to choose a pool cue is to choose the right type of tip for your pool cue stick which is also beneficial and very important, the tips come in three different types, soft medium, and hard, each type of tip will offer a different play on the cue ball. The soft tip is great if you are a player that uses more English or spins to the cue ball in which, the hard tip may last longer but won’t be accurate with putting that much spin to the cue ball, hard tips are also great or breaking the game.

The medium tip is mostly an average tip to be on a pool cue stick, so it depends on the type of game you planning to play, it can be also narrowed down to either the soft or hard tip, if you’re a beginner it would be recommended to use the medium tip, which would be standard to use, and will both have the power and the control you will be needing.

What Is The Pricing For A Perfect Pool Cue?

Last but not least, choosing a perfect pool cue for you is going to all comes down to the budget that you working with, a higher budget will surely get you a more comforting cue that’s going to suit you better and will last much longer but on the other hand, am sure a low budget one will get the job done as much.

For a beginner I would recommend a low-budget cue to be fitting for you, the persons that mostly scale up to higher value cues are the persons that play professionally on a bigger platform and would need to have a more detailed and skilled cue to get the job done.

We thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoyed what we had to share on how to choose a pool cue, be sure to check out other articles on our page if you’re a beginner looking to purchase your first pool cue, be sure to check our selective under 100 cue sticks.

Tips on How To Choose A Pool Cue

Below are the tips on how to choose a pool cue for a perfect pool game:

  1. Check to make sure your cue is straight
  2. Two-piece cues are multi-purpose user-friendly cues
  3. If it’s a breaking cue you need to be sure to let the supplier know
  4. Check the warranty on cue
  5. Check the tip for damage
  6. On purchasing your first pool cue, make sure to get a cue case with it as well to protect your pool cue stick.

Mastering the Game: Your Perfect Pool Cue Awaits!

Picking a pool cue is more than just selecting a stick; it’s about finding your perfect playing companion. Whether it’s weight, tip type, or design, the ideal cue is the one that feels like an extension of your game. Invest time in exploring options, trying different cues, and considering expert advice. Your winning cue is out there, waiting to elevate your pool game to new heights.

Thank you for reading and reaching the end of our article on how to choose a pool cue stick. We do hope you have learned a lot from what this article had to offer in terms of what to look for when choosing between pool cue sticks likewise the types of pool cues that or out there in the market today.

The pool is a very fun sport and it is getting more populated as the years go by, pool takes a lot of focus and the usage of the right tools. It takes a lot of practice as well to become perfect, keep on with the good work of educating yourself on more about the game be sure to check some of our other related articles that we on in the information section on our webpage thanks.

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